another name for an inhaler used to treat asthma
GP: some random paul wall song came on spotify and he calls an inhaler an "asthma pump"
AK:That's what most people from the hood call it I learned. Idk where they got that from
by ICP_Fan42069 October 9, 2019
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When a person experiences asthma symptoms, such as coughing and/or wheezing, during or after the act of fellatio.
Guy 1: Hey man, want to suck my dick?
Guy 2: I'd love to but I have dick-induced asthma.
by Robsworld6 January 18, 2013
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a disease consisting of coughing fits one develops after running a race in the wonderfully crowded, stuffed, and smelly reggie lewis center.
call 911 i just finished the 600 and i can't breathe, must be the "Reggie Lewis Asthma"
by track123 January 15, 2009
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Like the first type, Type 2 Asthma is a respiratory condition that makes breathing very difficult. Which can cause very heavy (Sexual) breathing. But what's also unique to this, is that it causes the person to have conditions very similar to Autism. As in the person is mentally stupid and doesn't have Common Sense. Side effects of Type 2 Asthma is that it causes the person to have orgasms or act very constipated.
"Guys I think this kid has Type 2 Asthma"
by NWCTA_Vocab March 28, 2019
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A type of asthma caused when exercising. It's when your air way is smaller than normal, so you're breathing through an abnormally sized air way. Can be treated by using a subscribed inhaler.
While I was playing basketball, I had a case of exercised induced asthma.
by m-sizzle-wizzle-money-weezy-yo January 12, 2011
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An act of rigid and or plounderous sex pounding that emulsifies you to borderline cardiac arrest but, instead you only reach asthma!
Hey man i got to go get some meds for my involuntary sexually induced asthma dude!
by jloeniga November 30, 2011
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Guy 1: Dude! I'm dying...
Guy 2: I don't care unless it's of something major
Guy 1: Dude! Lung Asthma Cance- *GASP!!!!!*-r
Guy 2: Is that even a thing?
Guy 1: *Currently twitching on the floor* ;-;
Guy 2: Should I cal 911? Oh wait...
Dude why are you gasping so much? You ok?

No... I have lung asthma cancer ;-;
by SexyAshienBoi January 17, 2018
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