The common moment when burger king from the hit fast food franchise; "burger king" demands a human sacrifice.
oh no, the hungry king demands a sacrifice
by im on the interwebs October 20, 2021
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The act of being hungry mentally
Stacey: Omg,im like so mentally hungry right now
Dylan: Um...what?
by sacredlights January 24, 2023
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When you're too tired to feel hungry, but you're hungry enough that you can't fall asleep until after you ate.
I was that hungry tired, it took me 2 hours to decide if I was hungry, but after I ate food, I slept for 10 hours.
by Kakitsune November 13, 2021
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When you really just need a rip of the Juul, or other vapes, and feel famished if the nicotine.
Bro I’m so fucking nicotine hungry right now.
by Scally November 23, 2019
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When you have blue balls but you're also starving
Tom: Bruh, Sarah gave me hungry balls last night!
Greg: Huh?
Tom: She had the cooking channel on and she kept flirting with me.
by NotaLumberjack April 15, 2017
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A word used to describe someone who is so hungry they have an excessive amount of food.
Person 1: Wow you got 3 cheeseburgers, fries and chicken!

Person 2: Yeah I'm Scott hungry.
by FUERZA January 12, 2017
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