An annoying mother fucker who thinks he’s a sexy beast. He is the funniest kid in the room and extremely cocky. Everyone knows bray bray g
Person 1: who is that loud ass person?
Person 2: bray bray g
by Ceiceii December 30, 2020
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similar to icup it's a forsaken comeback that if reply with a yes the replying persons back will explode breaking their spine then slowly combusting then dieing.
"your momma," said the fool
'hey do you like d r a g o n s fuck tard? says the m a n

" yea..." says the fool
"d r a g o n d e e z n u t z " replies the m a n
spin Xplosions} OH ShIneaqwa NIBBA. compusts and dies
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A= adorable

B= beautiful

C=colour full

E= e m t y

You are abcdefghijA B C D E F G H I J K is funny
by Cottage crochet lover August 21, 2021
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When ur depressed as fuck and someone asks u over text how u been and u don’t wanna go full emotional so u keep it cool and reply with “G and G” to keep it low key
Mike: hey man been awhile how u been?
Nathan: G and G
by AnimeLuVVR42069 June 2, 2018
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When a Girl is Giving a Guy oral sex and the Girl Gags and throws up all over the Guys Penis and then the Guy sticks his penis in the Girls Vagina!
I was Gettin a Great beeeg and she throw up so i gave her a nice g squared!!

I love giving The g squared.

I G Squared your sister last night bro
by Joe Marc April 4, 2006
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Is mid asf. Listen to carti instead. Or uzi, both goated
goat: Carti better that polo g lmao😂
Every sane person: agree
by traffydlaw February 17, 2022
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Changing the drug to be ingested with another without concent in order to meet a means to an end.
Pull a G on big bird in front of his squad.
by Bend1r January 23, 2018
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