A half white, half black person.
Jen: "Your baby is whack."

Angela: "Why thank you, his father is a quarter black. "
by Saku January 14, 2015
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A psychotic individual, esp. one that mumbles or paces back and forth in a manic depressive manner; abbreviation for the term "whack job."
I don't care if you just lost your job and you want to kill your boss, you whack!
by T Hizzle April 4, 2005
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Man last night I whacked so many times my winger turned red
by Weedies February 9, 2004
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A person who is half black and half white. Hence the wh-ack WHite and blACK.
Wow, I didn't know Kate was whack!
by Country female April 24, 2008
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When someone says the same thing to you 10 times they're whacked.
by Jessica March 18, 2005
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Im off to have a whack.
by louis October 17, 2001
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"did you see that whack of bacon he had on his plate?"
"there was a whack of people at the beach"
"i'm getting a whack of cheese on that pizza"
by CASEIHchick December 10, 2009
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