even tho its cold....... its better than warm toilet seats.
guy: would you rather have a warm toilet seat or a cold toilet seat

guy 2: cold toilet seat.
by Evelynisthere. June 26, 2023
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The area of a toilet pioneers who say they bring the wood always hit due to their small stature. Always tend to pick on people with great mouths and have a lot of sugar in the tank and to much salt
I would’ve hit inside but I have no aim and I hit the toilet seat and eat groceries
by Slimdaddy November 9, 2020
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An object that you sit on when you poop. Most people lick it as a trend on the internet. They are usually covered in pee in men’s bathrooms. They are very dirty, so DO NOT USE THEM!
Oh no, the toilet seat has a terd on it!
by Soapy hands February 8, 2022
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A degradory term used to describe young private boarding school pupils in the private education system in the UK, immortalised in the film "IF" BY director Lyndsey Anderson. Where a junior pupil is ordered to "go along and warm the toilet seat for me,i'll be along in 3 minutes" ,by one os the senior prefects of the school, a classic example of inbred contempt and didain cultivated in such institutions towards those they consider beneath their personally assumed "status".
Young Blenkinsop-Smythe will be an ideal choice for an unquestioning lackey,he has a good history as an adept toilet seat warmer.
by Kingcobrakenny October 27, 2017
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A man who uses a fucking toilet seat to kill people, and he makes a SHITton of poo jokes.
He also looks like Waluigi's sex offender Uncle
Toilet seat killer executed
by tenzla June 22, 2021
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A very hairy ass.
Dude has so much butt furr,he carries around his own padded toilet seat!
by KronKyrios September 8, 2011
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