The only food that can truly satisfy the hunger of titans such as Mr.T and Chuck Norris.
Chuck: Excuse me waiter, do you have any Snakes on a Plane?

Waiter: Sorry sir, im afraid we only have snails in a convertable.

Chuck: That is Unacceptable!!! (an explosion of sheer anger destroyed the restaurant and Chuck went to chill at Mr.T's for some snakes on a muthafvckin plane)

R.I.P to the restaurant of inadequacy
by Steve "The Don" Patulls September 10, 2006
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an acceptance of the uncontrolable.
"I'm sorry about your grandma dying, are you okay?"
"Yeah...I kind of went off by myself, drove around, and snakes on a plane'd it over. I'm cool now."

by Bailey Sharp August 27, 2006
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S.O.A.P. (Snakes On A Plane)- lip sass backtalk bsattitudeshade
Don't give me no soap (snakes on a plane)!
by HAJohn September 14, 2006
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Too late in realizing that you've caught in an inescapable deteriorating situation, where there is nothing you could do except tackle it head on and knowing that you probably will not survive when it ends.
In gaming:

Player A: Dude, we just lost our last flag and we are surrounded by armor....

Player B: Man...snakes on a plane.

by Rocket Punch September 1, 2006
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Used as a trump card in an argument. The only phrase that can automatically win an argument after this is used is "snakes on a mothafuckin' plane."
Person 1: Pirates are way cooler than ninjas.
Person 2: No way! Ninjas are teh 1337.
Person 2: Rabblerabblerabblerabblerabble!
Person 1: Snakes on a plane!
Person 2: -looks downtrodden- Snakes on a mothafuckin' plane!
by Matt Hovern November 12, 2006
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An adjective used to describe something that was funny or entertaining, but unintentionally so.
Dude, that movie was so pathetic, it was totally snakes on a plane.
by John Connell March 22, 2007
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When a man single-handedly strokes his penis (aka the snake) across a woman's stomach, in other words, the plane.
(such as the Great Planes)
When Gina refused to touch his penis myself Adam whipped it out and pulled a "Snakes on a Plane" on her.
by Jujuninator March 2, 2009
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