To have not been snipped as a child

Holding a hooded snake

Unlike a Jew

Who doesnt like cheese?

Everyone loves a bit of extra length

Eau Natural

If you were starving in the desert, your forey would provide enough protein for you to outlast a cut man by 4 weeks

They say the source of a mans power is his foreskin...Luke, use the force-kin
"Perfect conversation starter for heterosexual males"

Ryan: You look like a bloke that enjoys dick conversation....Wanna be friends?

Rich: Soooooooo.... U rockin a forey or cut like a jew?
by Eau Natural February 15, 2011
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1. a state in which all forces are at equilibrium while there is forward momentum without any undue distress

2. an appropriate response to an informal interrogative greeting inquiring as to someone's state of well being when all things in life at the moment are copacetic
1. After the first 3 miles of the marathon I was rockin' steady.

2. Bro: How's it goin' Man?

Man: Rockin' steady Bro.
by Bear Shark June 4, 2010
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Somebody who likes tweeting song lyrics on Twitter.
Dave: Wow, Mikey is being real emo today... did you see his tweet with the lyrics to "Suicide is Painless?"

Me: Nah, he tweets lyrics everyday. He's a rockin' robin.
by Yahoo! Answers Phil J May 18, 2009
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When you’re high off a mixture of Adderall, Marijuana, and Alcohol. A typical, easily available mixture that is often taken by people living in US suburbs.
A: How are you feeling, man?

B: After my meds and this party, I’m rockin’ the suburbs, just like Quiet Riot did.
by Electro89 May 11, 2020
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when someone proudly walks around with a massive boner in public.
That guys rockin it hard.
by slapboichild September 6, 2022
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The act of eating way too much at dinner and yet still going out in public, all the while feeling pudgy, swollen, bloated and/or fat.
We ate a huge dinner at that Italian place. We could barely move we were so stuffed. But it was her birthday so we all agreed we'd just go rockin' the bloat.
by brooklynbri May 1, 2010
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A presidentail swagger
A feeling of power and being unstoppable
It's the type of swagger that Barack Obama has.

Orginated in a english class
Person 1"yo that dude is B-Rockin' it"
Person 2"I know his swagger is on high right now"
by Nickijp June 2, 2010
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