when you open the fridge (or freezer) and everything falls out
I went to get the pizza bites outta the fridge and there was totally a refrigerator avalanche.
by xSambox February 18, 2008
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Verb, The act of letting a Refrigerator, often one accessed by a community of people, become less and less clean over time, until finally someone from the community says "I've had enough!", and cleans the Refrigerator.

Noun, The person, in the community, who "loses" the "game" of Refrigerator Chicken, is often called the Refrigerator Chicken.
Four roommates were playing a game of Refrigerator Chicken until one of them got food poisoning, and she decided to clean the damn thing out.

Every since she got food poisoning and started cleaning out the 'fridge her roommates have bell calling her the "Refrigerator Chicken".
by cog January 20, 2005
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Similar to a cardboard box, a refrigerator box is a sturdy, six-sided rectangular storage facility made from recycled materials. A refrigerator box stores a refrigerator, but can also serve as an instrument of shelter for those lacking a viable housing option.
Because Carly's roommates were unable to decide on a suitable house to rent in the fall, Carly went dumpster digging at her local large appliance vendor to find a refrigerator box in which to habitate.
by Carly July 29, 2004
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When someone stores people's drinks in their refrigerator that they don't drink, even if they are embarrassed to do so.
Kris: Those drinks in my fridge are not mine. I don't even like that beer.
Kathy: You are such a refrigerator slut.
by champainsupranova June 12, 2023
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When you habitually return to the fridge expecting there to be something to snack on, only to find you have nothing and need to go buy groceries. College aged males are at most risk.
Mike: This is my third time opening the fridge this hour whats wrong with me?
John: Its probably a mild case of refrigerator amnesia.
by Davis McAbis January 28, 2010
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guy1:Hey, did you become a fan of Spanish Refrigerator on Facebook?

guy2: FUCK NO, they sound more annoying then jet turbines!
by sspey3 October 9, 2011
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Refrigerator rights in the relationship comes about three steps before Thermostat rights. Once you get thermostat rights, you might as well pick out a drawer to put your jammies in!
Brad finally said that I don't need to ask, just help myself whenever I get hungry. It's nice to have Refrigerator rights. His house gets so cold at night, I can't wait until I am allowed to bump up the heat without asking or shivering at him until he gets the hint.
by qqtpie February 15, 2006
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