Living proof that human evolution has yet to progress to the point where the female's genes have been reprogrammed to finally ignore the primitive and obsolete alpha male and expand their sexual relations to the more intelligent and advanced beta male. This is why 21st century women are still compelled to be sexually attracted to aggressive assholes who treat them like crap instead of reserved guys who treat them with dignity and respect, e.g. nice guys. As a result, nice guys are normally single because women are naturally repelled by them.
Women like nice guys, but won't date them.
by DeskFlyer August 25, 2007
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A man who thinks that basic respect for women is a personality trait and wears said "personality trait" like a trophy; an incel.
The supposed Nice Guy on Reddit will not shut the fuck up about how every woman should be sucking his dick because he said that he thinks women should be able to have basic human rights.
by localvillagedidiot November 29, 2020
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A guy who always gets the short end of the stick and "finishes" last and is often overlooked by women and never really appreciated by the woman of his interest, no matter what he does. Women don’t often think of him as being much more than just a good friend; they only rely on him to listen to their problems or to hang out with, but would never consider dating him. He has a hard time getting a girlfriend because, God forbid, he has average looks with an average physique, and she would rather date a handsome dumb jock with a nice car, who treats her terribly, than to date an average guy. He frequently gets rejected by women because they are driven by their self-centeredness and superficiality, and don’t realize that he is the man of her dreams and right in front of her. In his childhood he was probably one of the last kids to be picked on the team to play kickball when he was a good player. And he may have even been bullied as a kid. The nice guy is probably a lonely person who just wants to fall in love and get married like everyone else, but for some reason women and people miss out on who he is. As a result of his lonliness and his natural need for sex and intimacy and relationships, he will get off on himself, only wishing he could share his life and body with the woman of his dreams. He probably has a lot of lonely nights, and the only time a woman sleeps with him or ever finds him attractive is because she is drunk. The nice guy will genuinely go out of his way to help the girl he has an interest in, but in the end his favors are disregarded. A nice guy always finishes last after bullies, jocks, jerks and rich guys. Evidently, his trustworthiness, honesty and commitment are only secondary to looks, money, and materialism. The interesting thing is that when women get depressed and stressed out being involved with the bad men, they always come back to the nice guy to help them.....until the process starts over again. And then, after decades of being in bad relationships, these same women are all-of-sudden 60-yrs old and single or divorced and wonder why they couldn’t find true love and the man of their dreams, when he was under their nose the whole time.

Basically, a nice guy is the worst insult a guy can receive by the girl he is interested in. It means “you are good enough to talk to and to get to know on a superficial basis out of convenience, but not good enough to get to know on a deeper level or to date.” When the girl I liked talked about me and said I was a “nice guy” to her female friends, I knew my chances of dating her were minute. Being called a “nice guy” is anything but a complement and makes me feel sad.

by January 23, 2009
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A Nice Guy is a guy who is friendly, kind, and understanding toward girls with the underlying condition that they must fall in love with him because he is the only friendly, kind and understanding man they've ever met. Nice Guys think that acting like a decent person makes them special and entitled to women's romantic affections and sex.

They believe that women have no minds or emotions of their own, and that they exist solely to reciprocate the affection of whichever man 'deserves' them. They will often try to guilt women into going out with and having sex with them.

If and when a woman rejects a Nice Guy, he will whine and moan and complain that girls are stupid and don't know what's good for them, and only like jerks that won't respect them or their feelings. Nice Guys invariably fail to see the irony in this.

Not to be confused with an actual nice guy (no capital letters!), a guy who is kind and decent without the underlying expectation that women are obligated to sleep with him or return whatever romantic affections he might have toward them.
Nice Guy: I'm so sorry that happened to you, here, go ahead and cry on my shoulder.

Girl: Thanks, you've really made me feel better. You're such a good friend.

Nice Guy: Great, now let me take you out to dinner and have a romantic evening ended with sex and marriage.

Girl: Sorry, I'm not really interested in you that way.

Nice Guy: Fuck you, you cold bitch. You're so stupid, why can't you see that I deserve you? After all the nice things I've done for you, you owe it to me to fall in love with me. Fine, I guess I just have to keep harrassing you and trying to guilt you into going out with and having sex with me.
by Kynne4234 March 10, 2010
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Some poor bastard who gets close to the beautiful girl of his dreams and endures a painfully platonic relationship with her, always there to help her like a demented puppy-dog, in the delusional hope that they may progress to something more. Of course, sometimes he loses his control and blurts out to his ladyfriend that he loves her, only to be told that she wants to be just friends and not ruin the relationship. Sometimes he loses his virginity, sometimes not (though if he does it's with an equally insecure and rejected girl).

Unfortunately, thanks to society's useless teachings, most men fit into this category.
I used to be a nice guy. It sucked.

The nice guy saga concludes to me that women are incredibly stupid. And men are unbelievably pathetic.

Tony Blair is a nice guy. His relationship with Bush is totally platonic, though he wishes it was something more.
by Osamasbitch January 26, 2008
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A guy who would do anything for his love to make them feel appreciated, would go out of their way and accomodate anything they have to do, and love them for who they are and never jeopardize a relationship, yet we still finish last. many girls date assholes and constantly bitch about how there arent any nice guys around anymore, but in reality, we're easier to find than you think, but you still continue to date assholes even if a nice guy is right in front of you. also if your extremely shallow it will be difficult.
Most girls now a days are shallow and continue to date assholes even though nice guys do exist, alot who are even good looking as well, its not as hard to come across as you think.
by mpctv December 6, 2007
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1. They finish last.

2. Permanent residents of the friend zone.
Yup, Howard's going the way of the nice guys. He'll never make it out of the friend zone.
by wish303 April 22, 2008
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