Something that takes a long time and is annoying.
Sophie’s reply’s are so fucking long it pisses me off”
by Ay yo wys my g June 20, 2019
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When a person doesn’t do the easy and obvious thing, but instead chooses to be awkward and un-logical, e.g. Paul.
Boog: Hey Paul, you know you don’t ever get with any girls?!
Paul: Yeah…
Boog: Well I’m meeting Sarah on Saturday and she’s bringing all her fit friends out, do u fancy coming out to meet them?
Paul: Er…? Nah I’d prefer to stay in and play poker with all the men and badgers.
Boog: You are so long.
by Frowsey Murdoch February 2, 2007
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Long is an adjective used to describe someone with a Long Penis.

Also can be used to describe someone cool, even if they may not actually have a Long Penis.
That guy was so Long! He was doin ninja flips and shit, and had like a 2 foot dick!
by Adam the Wordsmith May 26, 2010
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A guy who likes to suck dick slowly as to savour it thorougly.
Man, you know that guy is a total long.
by AnonaLong January 9, 2009
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It is a series of ads of a gummy calles "Sakeru Gummy"
Long Long Man is my favourite ad!
by Ebic_Duk June 25, 2022
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When someone is attractively tall. As when someone’s butt is attractively large, they are thic. Long is the height equivalent of thic. If someone is very long, they may be longg, or if they are even longer, they may be longgue.

thicc thot thot culture thiccq thick
Brittney: dang, Nick is long.

Carissa: Girl you right he longgue with two g’s and a ue.
by smeltyourmits December 17, 2018
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