A genre that like most genre of music has some good bands but also has some posers. The posers really make the genre look bad.

An example of a good bands would be Motley Crew.

An example of a poser band would be Kiss. They are more of a travelling theatrical group than they are actually a band.

But I must say Hair Metal really isn't metal at all. Nothing is heavy about it.
Me: What is your fav. type of metal.
Person: I like hair metal.
Me: But I said metal.
Person: They are metal, they have alot of hair.
Me: That has nothing to do with anything.
by Okita-Kun October 4, 2005
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A woman (usually a mother) that has big hair, still listens to 80s hair metal and likes to reminisce about the good ol' days of being a rocker chick.
My friends think my mom is so cool cause she's a hair metal hoochie mama that likes to have fun.
by SaraTranker92 September 17, 2017
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