A white boy who thinks being racist/sexist/ & homophobic is the absolute peak of comedy
"Shut up faggggggg hope ya die"
"What is the most confusing day in the hood? Fathers Day
Omfg Ben is so edgy
by Ohyeaboy October 3, 2020
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Usually referencing the act of or being of a person that is 'trying' to be or may 'be' on the cutting-edge of something specific, or in general (very obscure music, extravagantly violent Asian horror movies, etc.) to be cool and ahead of the norm, and is usually used as an insult in most contexts.

Most people who get plastered with this label in a truthful manner, and not in an insult-like manner usually of which is improperly describing someones tastes in said things, are 'kids' or in general people who psychology have pushed themselves into a funnel of wanting to be part of something different because they can't fit in to anything else. Or to build a pseudo-ego to have something to be proud of, when in reality it is just making them look very dumb.
Surfer Guy 1: "Hey man, I found out about this.. "Floral Shoppe" music last night, you heard about it before?"
Surfer Guy 2: "Wtf, sounds edgy dude haha."
by Real Cool Kid August 7, 2015
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1. Pushing the envelope, like Conan O'Brien.
2. Unconventional.
3. Way out there.
4. At the forefront of a trend; experimental or avant-garde.
That Conan O'Brien --- he's so edgy!
by Jassem O. Ristedt December 8, 2018
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A word most commonly used by the youth, specifically kids who are not cool and salty who don't like anyone who is cooler than them. The words origin comes from a more irrelevant group who play overwatch and undertale.
"That kid looks cooler than me... edgy try-hard bitch lasagna" -irrelevant cunt
by Sphygen January 11, 2019
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A: Ever heard of Gabriel the edgy boi who commited self harm?
B: You mean the part Australian Asian Boi?
A: Yah
by ChickenLui November 1, 2018
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If someone is making fun of you for being “edgy” you reply with: “I didn’t need know Colum Brien was here
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Something new-age or cool, never done before and groundbreaking.
Though this is the true definition, the word is usually misused as being for goths (not emo because emo is a kind of music) who overreact and and depressing themes
This misconception was probably started by the word being used ironically for stupid ideas that were just "too underground for you to understand"
"look at that EMO jared he's so edgy lololololol"
"fuck off kevin you don't know what words mean"
by MillieKat October 10, 2019
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