Anal insertion for pleasure and gratification.
Randy used to like Judas Priest, until he found out that Hallford takes it up the shit shoot for a good "corn holing".
by G-Spot October 10, 2003
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/noun/ 1) the anus 2) anal rape
/verb/ to forcible sodomize someone; to commit anal rape
by Anonymous June 3, 2003
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n. anus.

v. insert in anus

(origin: inspired by widespread use of corncobs for both toilet paper and butt plugs in the South and Midwest)
n. Wipe your cornhole before ya pull up yur pants, Ennis.

v. You cornhole that pig, and yur buying it.
by Mike Oxhard July 12, 2006
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The favorite past time of the current Canadian Prime minster Justin Trudeau.
Putin cornholing Trudeau at the environmental summit
by Bradydustin January 30, 2016
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when you fuck some1 in the asscrack
dude i cornholed cynthia last night and she moaned like a wildabeast
by some random dudeok June 8, 2007
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To fuck someone in the asshole, preferably by force. Anal rape.
Bitch, you keep running your mouth and I'll cornhole your bitchass.
by microsoft_bastard March 24, 2003
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