She is the most perfect girl you will every meet. She is selfless and smart. She is the cutest person in the world. She will do anything to make you smile and laugh. When she walks into the room all attention goes to her. Her smile is brighter than the sun itself. There is no way you could not fall in love with her. She is just perfect in every way possible, and yet she won’t admit it. She thinks her legs are too big and she’s just ugly even though you know she is beautiful beyond this world. It won’t be long before you say “I love Abbey”
Abbey is soooo amazing!!
by #NFfan April 23, 2022
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Abbey is the best girl a guy can have.
She make your life a living paradise shes perfect shes beautiful,smart and has a great personality i love my abbey because shes My Babita Love Her so much like a lot and a lot and a lot :)
mate1:Yo Dude Is That Abbey Ur Gf
ME:yh shes the best person in my life

Mate1:what about me

ME:nah bye dude
by Abbeys BF Bossman S October 17, 2019
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Abbey is an amazing friend that you can trust and confide in. If you know an Abbey make sure you get to know her, you'll have more In common than you think and once you gain her trust, never do anything to break it or you'll lose one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. She has her own problems but she will put her friends and anyone who needs help above herself first and foremost.

She is loyal and trustworthy and more beautiful than she gives herself credit for. She's unique and will have eyes you can tell among a crowd of people. You'll find yourself liking her but dont worry if she doesn't feel the same, it won't be awkward she will want to stay an amazing friend and will not want to do anything to lose you.

Every Abbey is different but you'll know this one when you see them.
Guy: I told Abbey I liked her but she didn't feel the same but I still think she's an amazing friend
Guy2: yeah she's awesome
Guy: wow we have more In common than I thought:
Abbey: I know, its so weird but awesome
by Sharkyboi April 20, 2019
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The act of having anal sex with a woman while you are drowning her in the toliet the u just pissed in
I was banging The Abbey in the ass in the bathroom and had just pissed so i decided to dunk her
by Lifty9 April 11, 2011
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perfect sized caucasion girl. becomes hott as hell within highschool, why cant i get myself an abbey, girl every boy wants but can't have. poularity, usually likes the wrong type of guy. goes out with the varsity football captain, usually known as "whore" sleeps with everyman in the tristate area
oh there goes another abbey in my life

you pulled an abbey and slept with the whole junoir swim team

abbey is coming this way!!
by horny4387t54543 January 13, 2009
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Abbey is the person that you see in class she is smart funny but not too funny she is also the most beautiful girl would ever see plays netball and loves dance good drawer and she goes to a grammar school and she in the colour red for the school houses
All I can say is that I want to be her in school

Do you know who Abbey is


Then you don’t know what life is
by dvabyrtfdhc September 1, 2020
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