George Bush Jnr (shrub) gives the distinct impression that he's a bit THICK
THICK as pie meat.
THICK as Pigshit
THICK as Monkey spunk etc
by doc Johnson October 16, 2003
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1. Stupid person
2. To become angry
Don't get thick with me you thick cunt.

He's as thick as a short plank.
by bart September 23, 2004
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(Adj.) Used to describe a state of consciouness where someone is "in the zone" at a party. Synonyms include: being crunk, going dumb, getting stupid.
Let's get thicke tonight.

I saw him at the party earlier, he was pretty thicke.
by J Spitz September 30, 2006
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a girl whose medium size. Not fat nor skinny, Just average. A Thick girl usually haves a curvy/slim waist with a big behind, hips AND thighs.
Beyonce, Ashanti, and Ciara are examples of being thick cuz they're not fat or skinny, They have a hourglass figure. Small Upper Body,(arms, waist, etc), Thick Lower Body (big booty/ hips/thighs/big calves or shapely nice legs)
by Pisc February 4, 2006
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1. a stupid oaf.

Thick people are really blonde and are incredibly annoying.
shit, that billy character is really thick eh?
by Lambda November 13, 2004
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thick, as in thickness of the skull, meaning the person is very stupid. Word is used to say someone else is stupid.
Dude, your so thick.

No it isn't you retard, are you thick or something?
by noob_cakez February 7, 2009
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