The creamy wet left over fluid sometimes yellow or brown in color on a man's taint or anus after a nice shit.
Mike-Ya'll see that picture of Jeff's slit.
DJ-Yeah bro, he had a good bit of bussy snot on that thing


Did someone just beef?
Yeah Jeff's a walking septic tank, gotta have some bussy snot down there.
by shaftyMcnasty April 16, 2021
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Intentionally puking snot through one nasal passage.
Jamal: "WHOA - check outs da mess Cleveland snot barfed on da flow."
Dixon: "Sheet man - dats nasty".
by Mr.Tissue January 16, 2018
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when you blow your nose, then close the tissue then open it again! its a snot butterfly!
by snotfest February 5, 2010
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Intentionally spewing clogged snot through one nostril.
Nick: "Yuoh dude - Didja just blow a wad of boogers onta da flo?"
Sly: "Yeh ... I hadta clear my snoz by makin a snot barf."
by Mr.Tissue January 16, 2018
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When you plug one nostril with your finger, and blow out of the other nostril with everything you have, sending a snot projectile out of the nose.
Without tissue, all I could do to clear my nose was to blow a snot rocket.
by Turnspike February 12, 2003
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Snot= sneaky nigga over there. Thot= Thirsty hoe over there. A SnotThot is a girl who is thirsty for a Snot.
Rayquan: Yo that lil bih bad as a mothafucka I think ima go holla right quik *hangs up on Yolanda and looks at Jamal for confirmation*

Jamal: Oh Yuuup I seen lil bih before she a snot thot it's good.
by A Mac named Zac October 19, 2017
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The clear fluid that dribbles from the eye of a gentlemans pleasure pole prior to the big unloading..

So called because it is similar in taste and consistency to the stuff that leaks out of Fido's nose..

Useful for lubricating the mammaries as you thrust the man-meat between them before giving madam a pearl necklace..
Madam: "Have you cum?"..

Sir: "Not yet darling.."

Madam: "Whats that mess on me tits then?"..

Sir: "That's just dog snot dear.. Tadpole soup will be delievered shortly..
by Drex Johnson March 8, 2010
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