Expression that means, "better than good." When you are bangin a freak, you must take the phone off da hook to avoid interruption, so the literal definition of "off da hook" means "better than sex" but people use it similar to "off the charts."
The party last nite was the shizzle, there were so many hot chicks it was off da hook.
by dracula June 17, 2004
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1. used as an ajective to describe something that is out of the ordinary

2. something that's bangin'
1. Damn, look at that ass, Tyra is OFF THA HOOK.

2. Yo, that party on 3rd and Main is OFF THA HOOK.
by :P September 6, 2003
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That cd is off tha hook!
by Heather September 10, 2003
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Awesome, cool, fun, no restraints
Man, our party is off tha hook!!
by Emm September 8, 2003
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