although the common definition is a cross between a nerd and a geek, the word actually originates from America.

Black youths named other nigros who enrolled in education, neeks, as it is actually a cross between geek and nigro.

although it is now commonly misused across the world for naming someone a geek/nerd.
-Neek: according to rule '13a sub section b' you are discriminating the human rights act, developed in 1896. I'm telling.
-*neeks glasses smash as he hits the floor.
by g.s May 9, 2007
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Neeks is a flexible term that can be used as a noun or adjective. What it actually refers to is limitless. The key to this term is its subjectivity; its meaning is in the way it's delivered and meant by the speaker.

Neeks can often be substituted where language fails. Generally, though, it is a positive term that has some kind of unspoken quality, especially a CREATURELY quality. Can also be a nickname for a beloved or good friend.

As an adjective, Neeksy connotes funkiness, strange endearment, unexplainable creaturely feelings, unhuman (but not in a negative way).
1. "That's so Neeksy!"

2. "You're just a little Neeks, that's all"

3. Joe: "How are you feeling today?"
Jimmy: "Oh I don't know...Neeksy I guess."

4. "Look at the neeks I drew" (*shows picture of scribbles, or of a little creature*)

by Urban Dictionary May 10, 2007
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A geek and a Nerd put together

Nerds- People who have general knowledge on generally intellectualy subjects, books, histoyr, literature, math, academics etc.

Geek- People who knows technology and video games, not always very knowledgable
You Neek! you spent way to much playing that knowledgeable video game that your brain is going to fry!
by Melissa S. June 8, 2006
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Originating from a cross of nerd and geek is possible, although the word means fuck in Arabic apparently. It generally means someone who is quite awkward around people "neeky" is the adjective form. The "neek" is not actually a bad or unpleasant person, they just lack in social skills, and occasionally need a slap.
Someone who instead of attempting to socialise with the majority will strike up a conversation about something no-one wants to hear about, but everyone has no right to complain about either, thus taking command of their own "neeky" little world.
When someone acts in a foolish and pathetic manner, they may well be referred to or spoken at in a thus like manner "Shut up you fuckin' neek!" or "Dude, you're such a fuckin' neek man" something along these lines.
by Kit H February 3, 2007
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Neeks are found in every tatty, blood-spattered comprehensive. Unlike the Chavs, Chavettes (whom everyone can easily identify) and Rudys (wannabe Gangstas, which is a bit unconvincing when their middle names are usually something like Philip or Edward), Neeks find the mindnumbing tedium of 'Wotcha lookin' at? You got beef wiv' me?' best ameliorated by actually doing a bit of work in class.

They are just as likely to have parents living apart, but they tend to know the name, address and face of their fathers, spending regular weekends with them. Despite their mothers having new boyfriends who are often mechanics, builders and van drivers (and therefore not thought of as being particularly intellectually over-endowed), they are frequently told that having a good education is actually their ticket out of the hellhole the council has seen fit to abandon the family into.

Female Chavs feel particularly threatened by female Neeks, particularly when, after being offered a 'smaak in yer maaaf/mooi' for having an intelligent conversation with a boy who is 'well fit' in the eyes of the Chavette, will smile sweetly and ask if the handbag is a special edition, as Burberry isn't usually spelled 'Burbree' and they are sure the Chavette would never buy cheap rip offs from the market. Unfortunately, by the time the Chavs have worked out that they have just been 'seriously dissed', the Neek and the other articulate and educated members of the group are already in their next accelerated learning class, laughing at the gorilla like faces pulled by the terminally uncomprehending.

Neeks tend to gain GCSEs rather than a certificate to say they have spent a week on work experience at KwikSave, partly due to the fact that their mothers have encouraged them since babyhood with kind words and conversation, rather than slaps around the head for knocking over the Stella cans just opened at 9am on Saturday morning.
'Ere, Jayyyde, wot's that neek doin', talkin' to Kieran Doyle? E's really fit an' 'is Dad's got a building firm so e's really minted'

'Dunno, but he's laffin' now. D'ya 'spose she said summat funny?'

'Nah, she's a slaaaag. I'll mash 'er up' (stomps towards neek - last bunkup was with a Rudy and haven't quite managed to change speech pattern back)

'Oi, neeks!'


'You can't talk ter Kieran, 'cos my mate really likes him, an' 'is mate sez he really, really likes her, so if I sees yer talkin' ter 'im again, I'll....'

'You'll what?'

(Having been asked a question, Chavette's limited brain cells implode and she gets nail extensions ready to claw face off Neek)


(Neek deftly blocks outstretched plastic nails, twists Chavette's arm behind her back and pushes gently to place Chavette's elbow to same level as the third tier of 9ct gold plate earrings. Mum had right idea in sending neek to kick boxing classes from age of 6. Neek speaks very quietly:)

'So what, exactly, was it that you were intending to do?'

'AAAAGGGGGHHHH! Gerroff! Nuffink!'

'Well that's OK then. I won't see you later will I?'

(Neek walks away with friends)
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Anyone who wears urban dictionary t-shirts and other items of clothing.
Look at that neek, with his super-lame t-shirt. Don't people have better things to do, than sit around and post ludicrous new words onto a website?
by The Marshmallow Man October 5, 2005
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a combination of a nerd and a geek.
Wow, Chels, you're a gamer and a blogger, you wear glasses, and you are OBSESSED with anime. You are such a neek. But we love you anyways!
by iluvkamakazi April 24, 2009
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