Jimmy is a fun loving wild and crazy guy. One you want in your foxhole. He can fix anything as in “jimmy rig it.” Even the bad times with him are good.
Me and Jimmy got lost on a dirt road in the desert; we laughed all the way home.
by Shanranae August 20, 2018
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A hot guy who has an above average whistle and can do a triple backflip and can lift big weights and can get 23492 girlfriends because he is very sexy and cool. He is also a god at all sports including running, basketball, football, soccer, golf, tennis, baseball, cricket, sword fighting, swimming, shooting, skating, long jump, high jump, and many more. Jimmy can also paint, write, draw, speak 19 languages, and has an IQ of 1234567876543223456788765432345678987654.3. He is also a former member of the KKK.
man: wow
man #2: wow
man #3: wow
man #4: what is it
man #1,2,3: its jimmy and he is cool
by qwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqw April 10, 2018
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Jimmy the second most common name to be used instead of a child’s actual name because the person talking about them forgot the child’s name.
Did you hear that Jimmy fell down the well?
by Bernie Sanders Twitter Account November 26, 2018
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Your Cock.Penis.Meat.What ever you like to call it.
Fat Albert: "I got my jimmy waxed seven times last week!"
by AiNt BanGin June 21, 2009
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A Asian kid who eats people’s dogs. Be careful around him he ate my two dogs yesterday.
Jimmy Cruzer ate my dog yesterday don’t bring your dog to the park.
by Transformersboi420 October 24, 2019
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In most cases a condom
Hey dude, this hot chick wants to bone, have you got a Jimmy I can use?
by Canonball_DGeorge March 6, 2007
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