person 1: Yo bitch,I screwed yer mom
Person 2: suck my dick,ass face,you don't even know her. Oh and ask your mom if she's preggo,cuz I went hard on that bitch. Now go back to your corner
by DirkDirkrevolution February 9, 2011
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( originating from 'the male cave' described in John Grey's Man are from Mars, Women are from Venus):

A nicer or more offensive way-depending on the context- telling someone ' please don't talk to me right now.
Emily: Carl we can't afford to live in this apartment anymore, we need more income.

Carl: Emily go back to your cave, I'll have to think about how to best handle your request. I have to think about how to get a better paying job.
by Sexydimma July 28, 2017
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mind your own business. Do not have to necessarily be in the vicinity of beer at the time of usage.
Dude 1: Man, did you see all the chicks at that party last night?

Random Guy: I know, so hot.

Dude 2: Man, go back to your beer.
by HaileeS February 1, 2011
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To have sex with an ex.
Jerry, "hey dude where were you last night?"
Kevin, "dude I was with Jessica to go back to my roots."

Jason, "yo I saw you with amy last night, did you go back to your roots?"
Darren, "yeah dude, sometimes desperation means going back to your roots."
by william shitner February 13, 2013
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The nicer way of saying
to someone in conversation

*Side note*

Big means they're fat
and you call them red because fat people usually have circulatory problems and they get red from doing little to no activity
John: I don't like you Randall.

Randall: Well then you can "Go back to the city Clifford".

John: Fuck you.
by McX592 December 26, 2012
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If you're not europeon and you don't tell a europeon to go back to Europe, he might keep giving you the blues forever.
The guy with the French accent isn't gonna stop giving people the blues any time soon, nobody is telling him to go back to Europe.
by Solid Mantis January 28, 2020
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Go Back I wanna be monke is a meme where a person is tired of being human and all the stress that comes with it.
Go Back I Wanna be Monke!
by V01DL33S November 7, 2020
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