An amazing girl, that is thoughtful, intelligent, gorgeous, and just down to earth. Denver's usually are redhead's/ginger's and get all the guys. Denver's are the rare's out there!
If you ever meet a Denver, keep her close. She's one of a kind!
by degr March 25, 2014
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To all of you out of town Bitch's saying Denver is a "cowtown" or "mostly white" you bitch's need to learn your facts idiots. I live in Denver and it has alot of Black People and majority of the Population is Hispanic so watch your tongues assholes. And yes we do have ruff Ghetto's and Hoods like every other city. Every city has Hoods. Don't talk shit if you don't live out here. Out of town people always stereotype us people in DENVER as being "rich" or "all white city". Out here Denver we have a lot of mixed couples, Black People, and a whole lot of Hispanics, and some whites out here. P.s. assholes I've been threw Hoods like St, louis , Los Angeles, and Milwaukee and every city has its ruff places.
Out towner: Dude Denver's such a cowtown lol!

Me: do you even live out here?

Out towner: no I just searched it up on the internet.

Me: then you don't live out her shit talker
by marcus234 June 26, 2014
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A city full of shit water drinkers and republicans. The whole city is a mess and needs to be wiped off the map. Everyone who lives is a guaranteed piece of shit that deserve no respect.
Person 1: "Hey man, I moved to Denver recently."

Person 2: "I'm so sorry, how's the water"

Person 1: "Full of shit and worn Trump2020 shirts."
by DenverHater2021 September 23, 2020
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Denver is the sickest place to most of us it is the illest,,. ha ok so over here(WESTSIDE DENVER)(10th&Fedz) we are some chill ass mofoz,,we ride till we die, we get our money and mind our own buisness (thugz only)people here that don't probably aint from denver they just moved here. i like to call those immagrants,,,no not us mexicans or anything just nasty people that don't belong here. Take notice that we are a mile higher,,,and we most deff stay higher. We smoke pot, drink, bombers are good;) coke is a must, we work our asses off all day,study and go to school,,and at night we do what we do. gangs,crews,all that shit is a no no, its FAMILY&FRIENDs FOREVER. We live for the music,money,bitchez,drugs,sex!cars,,and basicly on the fast lane, we live fast die pretty. We do us and thats that.The bass is bad;) clubs,raves,anything,,that bass make your bitch cream her panies. So yes we love to party and get crazy but we are serious about buisness when it comes down to business step aside and let us handle our business:)
Denver is sexy!
by DankOner April 30, 2011
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Term used in place of 'fk buddy', 'booty call' or 'friend with benefits'; 'Denver' is drawn from the late 80's cartoon 'Denver the last Dinosaur'.

The Theme tune lyrics are 'Denver the last Dinosaur: He's my friend and a whole lot more'.
''Hi, Mate, fancy coming shopping later?'

'Sorry- I'm seeing Denver'
by Ting Ting Panda King November 10, 2009
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1. (adj.) when someone or something is especially cool, in the most literal sense.

2. (adj.) the new "fetch."

Often confused with: Denver (N), a city in Colorado. Although the adjective is derived from the cool nature of the city, the word takes on new meaning in a vernacular context.
"Wow, Jack you're looking so denver today!“
“That's a denver idea, Brian!"
“Sarah thinks denver is never gonna happen (but she's wrong)."
"Chloe is really denver at defining words."
by SEAS July 5, 2014
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To have something you love taken away, ruined, or otherwise changed since moving to Denver.
"Dude, I'm totally being Denvered out of In~n~Out."

"I miss saying hella. I was totally Denvered outta it."
by Janna1996 December 24, 2008
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