He cut different meaning he act different
by Anonymous bihh September 6, 2019
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affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one’s faculties or behaviour.
by a1m1w June 23, 2012
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Adj. Shocking; messed up; screwed up; fucked; unreal.
John: Dude, Dave just tore his hand off!
Ed: Holy shit man! That's fucking cut!
by jsavage18 January 5, 2014
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1. To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in.

1.a To form or shape by severing or incising: a doll that was cut from paper.

2. To use a sharp object to penetrate the outer skin of one's wrists.
1. "I cut off a piece of bread"
1.a "The wood was cut to fit her door"
2. "I think I cut too deep last night"
by Zoe Lemonz May 9, 2004
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An adjective describing someone who has been left out, or dogged.

- Someone who is hurting on the inside and tries to hide it.
"Man? Why didn't you invite me to tennis yesterday? I'm so cut."

"Are you inviting Pat to your house tomorrow? No? He is gonna be so cut!"
by Dude-man February 24, 2009
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a) Half of a cigarette

b) An incision in the skin

c) to slice something with an object
a) "Yo tryna cut me that bouge"

b) "Ow, I cut myself shaving"

c) I'm gonna cut off your head with scissors, slowly and painfully
by ThatRussianGuy1001 January 28, 2011
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