blonde, blue "husky eyes" girl who is very athletic and super funnyy. she loves to party and hang with the guys. she loves soccer and goofing off. shes everyones friend and is very popular....
OMG! her eyes are gorgeous ! who is she?

oh i know ! thats colleen!
by day 5 May 16, 2011
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The act of providing oral sex without getting any in return.
I gave a guy a blow job last night and he totally colleened me.
by Tubbytron July 11, 2017
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A girl that looks like a fat banana.
That girl looks like a fat banana, is her name Colleen?
by Kevylra January 8, 2008
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a ugly, fat, bitchy, slut. all the guys hate her but she doesn't know it. she thinks she's the shit but we all know she's not. never be friends with a colleen. you can't trust them at all and they get mad over stupid shit. all they really are, are fucking cunts who are wanna be whores.
rebecca- "wow, that girls a fucking slut. whats her name?"

stacy- "it's probably colleen."
by peacelovehappiness October 26, 2008
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to be failed on a call monitor if you have any kind of mind of your own or a personality outside of the CVG values.
alt defs; a useless mound of flesh that curls up and attack anybody with a resemblance of a personality.
If you disagree with this tech lead you wil be colleened.
by Kirk Muller September 5, 2006
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a stupid jidiot. a girl who makes up her own language and speaks it all day making everyone annoyed at her. a girl who is overly obnoxious and idiotic.
friend 1 - hey do you know that girl?
friend 2 - yeah her name is colleen
friend 3 - she's such a stupid jidiot
by chickaboo July 2, 2009
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A woman who loves little kids a bit too much. Shouldn't be let anywhere near a daycare or preschool and should be in jail. AKA a female predator
"That woman is a total Colleen Ballinger dude!"

"Don't go near that woman, little Timmy! She's a Colleen Ballinger!"
by Fishy Mann July 10, 2023
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