If someone injures themself (in this case, typically a burn from carpet, grass or perhaps trampoline) and your body reacts to it in a bad way, you can get reactive acne. It’s a type of acne that spreads like a rash along your legs or arms (depending where you had the injury). If you see a case of reactive acne appearing anywhere else on your body, it is NOT normal. Please go see a doctor, or make sure it’s definitely reactive acne first.
Reanna fell on the trampoline and scraped her knee. Therefore, reactive acne spread across all her legs.
by alvssandra April 16, 2022
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when someone has a ton of acne is upon someones face and thats all you can notice
wow did you see that acne battlefield ? yeah it was like the big acne was dropping bombs on the minor acne
by chris smalls. January 8, 2009
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A covering of spots round the mouth and chin area giving the impression of a beard of acne. Commonly sported by youths in Berwick and the surrounding areas.
It's no wonder the lad never pulls, have you seen his acne beard!
by T Boor July 1, 2008
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When someone has acne right above there upper lip that resembles a mustache.
dude-man u got an acne-stache
other dude-what?
dude-get some proactiv and trim it
by ben/m August 19, 2007
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Where a mini feet grows out of your face and spreads all through-out your face.
Boy On The Phone: "Dude, I have this type of Acne on my face and the pimples are shaped like feet, its nasty."

Other Boy on the line: "Thats pretty nasty, feet-acne."
by YouFailEpicaly August 7, 2009
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Food that gives you ACNE
wtf happened to cindy?

she broke up with tom and has been eating nothing but acne food for the past week
by SchizoidMan February 23, 2011
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