by SleepySyndicate February 15, 2022
Nickname given to teenage grandson in 2021 by a homeless crazy grandpa who was never in this teens life. This grandpa once tried to push fecal matter on to grandson while drunk, ended up pissing all over grandsons bathroom. Relationship social dynamic similar to rick and Morty. Consists of unwanted forced adventures, and crazy shenanigans.
Sleepy, Get up were going on an adventure. SLEEPYY!!
by Jrg6969 May 29, 2023
Sleepy (shortened to Sleeps) is typically a young male between the ages of 14 to 25 who falls asleep during many occasions. The nickname Sleepy tends to be given upon during the school years of one’s life as this person will fall asleep in class all the time.
Sleepy is a very fun person to be around with a great sense of humour who pulls all the girls (that is when they are awake and not sleeping). Due to the lack of Sleep the brain capacity of Sleepy is very limited and can result in an almost natural state of being high showing symptoms of autism as a result.
Typically has the appearance of an alpha male with a buzz cut showing high levels of testosterone
Sleepy is a very fun person to be around with a great sense of humour who pulls all the girls (that is when they are awake and not sleeping). Due to the lack of Sleep the brain capacity of Sleepy is very limited and can result in an almost natural state of being high showing symptoms of autism as a result.
Typically has the appearance of an alpha male with a buzz cut showing high levels of testosterone
Hey man want to hang out with Sleepy later; oh I would but I think he’s sleeping
Hey did you see Sleepy in business he couldn’t stop falling asleep
Woah did you see how attractive Sleepy was looking today
Hey did you see Sleepy in business he couldn’t stop falling asleep
Woah did you see how attractive Sleepy was looking today
by GenerallyDreaded January 17, 2023
Nickname: given to someone who falls asleep in almost all classes during school (shortens to Sleepy)
Sleepy is someone who always seems to be high almost constantly, gets hella bitches and can never stay awake. Typically a very fun person to be around when not sleeping, with a great sense of humour.
Sleepy is someone who always seems to be high almost constantly, gets hella bitches and can never stay awake. Typically a very fun person to be around when not sleeping, with a great sense of humour.
Hey man did you see sleepy in business he couldn’t keep his eyes open
Hey do you guys want to hang out with sleepy later he’s a real fun guy
Hey do you guys want to hang out with sleepy later he’s a real fun guy
by GenerallyDreaded January 17, 2023
by BlooFreak July 3, 2021
When someone is using all the woke words to say all the other things. When someone's politics are tired a.f. and based on antiquated notions, "things I've read somewhere", and all the things people think are real because they've been proper indoctrinated by the systems that have been created to change reality in favor of those who've been #winning
by Tee.Tee.Cee. September 4, 2018