a state of ultimate laziness forcing you to waste the day away by doing nothing...at all.
I'm so loafed today, I only left my couch twice, once to get a snack and twice to shit.
by minminns November 19, 2006
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The act of taking a shit on someone, or in someone's personal belongings such as: Hats, Shoes, Computer Case, Backpack, Stoma, etc.
by Howe Feltersnach October 7, 2015
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Standing around asking someone for their things(usually food)
Man#1 give me some chips please
Man#2 Bui, stop loafing dawg. Go get your own stuff
by BOOTS December 2, 2013
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Verb: To Loaf-- Colloquial form of language expressing the observation of someone else’s or one’s own flatulence and or incontinence. The release of gaseous fecal odors.

Noun: Loaf-- Gaseous Fecal Odor

Adjective: Loafy-- Smelling like gaseous fecal odor

Position of entitlement: Dr. Loafenstein, The Loafman
1. My Mom loafed in the kitchen and I lost my appetite.
2. Oh shit!! Jack loafed on my dinner.
3. Oh No… August loafed on his date.
4. Wow, I ate all that spaghetti and have been baking loaf all night.
5. It smelt terrible, she loafed in the shower!!!!

1. Aww sick, did you smell that loaf?
2. Who’s making hot loaf?
3. Hey honey are you making hot loaf again?

1. She smelt really loafy after all of that hibachi.
2. I was feeling very loafy so I had to sleep in the bathroom.

Position of entitlement:
1. Damn Dr. Loafenstein, what did you eat?
2. They call me the Loafman.
3. Some call me the Loafman Jr.
4. Loafin like my Daddy.
by Kerm The Frog January 13, 2010
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Billy's ex-girlfriend, herself a loaf, married another loaf.
by enzio March 8, 2005
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To get wasted. Short for the term "meatloafed."
We're gettin loafed tonight
by vinyes April 30, 2008
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Large amounts of money in your pocket/wallet.
Graham: Aye, you got any spare change?

Nick: Sorry, I only got loafs.
by notagiraffe December 12, 2014
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