selective mutism


a mental disorder where speaking is hard or physicaly impossible in some situations, places, with certain people..ect..

i have 5 diagnosed GOSH DARN mental disorders that include selective mutism, i can speak but most of the time I can't.
by lYDia THe steGoSAurUS May 13, 2020
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Value Select

A Youtuber who actually makes good content. He doesn’t put ads in his vids and his content is 100% original. Instead of being supported by sponsorships, he is supported by his audience.
Person 1: Who’s your favorite YouTuber?
An honorable man who is apart of the brotherhood: Value Select!
by YourLocalDisappointment August 25, 2020
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selective mutism

Selective mutism is a social anxiety disorder in which a person who is normally capable of speech is unable to speak in given situations.
Paul Jefferson and his nephew Bruce Jones both have selective mutism.
by Caitlin13579 March 20, 2008
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Select & Save

A marvellous 24/7 store located in Broomhill, Sheffield. It is home to the infamous pone bone wine and £8 vodka.

When we say 24/7, we mean 24/7, 365 days of the year. They really love selecting & saving.

Beloved of students everywhere due to their erratic sleeping patterns and frequent need of alcohol and munchies.

King Edwards kids are just sour because they've starting ID'ing now.

May also be referred to as Nisa, by the elders, or spend and save by people fond of their Tesco-competing offers.
Student 1:It's 4am, where will I go to get doritoes/alcohol/pone bone?

Student 2: It's ok, select & save is open ;)
by Maximator June 27, 2011
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Selective Service

The federal cabinet agency of the US Government that pools registrations of all US males ages 18 to 26 for possible coerced enlistment in the military in the event of a war.

While they threaten all registration evaders with 5 years in federal prison and a $250,000 dollar fine, I'm sure all the rich Republicrat politicians kids are all exempt from the requirement.

Look at Selective Service forcing all these young Americans to sign up..what a Soviet like agency.
by Piranha May 4, 2006
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Selective Texting

Reading and replying to text messages that interest you
Marie sent Johnny a text that said how was your weekend & I miss you. Johnny ignored the I miss you and answered about his weekend. He is selective texting back.
by Lifeisfullofgrapes July 12, 2013
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natural selection

1. the main process behind evolution, as stated by Charles Darwin. Also known as survival of the fittest, meaning those with superior traits are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation.

This is how life on Earth has progressed for millions of years, driven by instincts encoded into the DNA of all living things. But sadly, as a result of several factors, including exponential intelligence, irrational emotions, etc, the species Homo sapiens is slowing down in terms of evolution. Due to the successful creation of societies and advancements in the sciences of medicine, humans have become exempt from the laws of natural selection, leading to degeneration within the species.

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A RACIST OPINION IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. THIS IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH CRAP LIKE SOCIAL DARWINISM OR BULLSHIT LIKE THAT. The point is, civilization has brought physical evolution of humanity to a halt. Medical and genealogical studies have revealed that those living in less industrialized or progressed regions or eras, differences in hygiene and anatomical knowledge aside, were more healthy and adaptable than people living in high-level civilizations. Or something like that.

Anyways, that's my opinion. Natural Selection doesn't apply to humans as long as humans stay indoors. Due to lapses in judgment, the "Unnatural Selection" that we have imposed on ourselves will bring doom to our species. Have a nice day!
fanaticalreligiousperson1: Natural selection doesn't exist!

concernedrationalperson2: True, in humanity's case. Otherwise, you're retarded.
by aka_Pyro May 14, 2007
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