When one engages in a sexual action leading to extreme ejaculation.
I went on a cum cum'tastic voyage with your sister...mom...dog????
by kman kenny January 30, 2008
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A cool person on Twitter who simps on Dark Vanguard.
"Eternal Voyager is going to rate cats now"
by Viewer Mail Time October 8, 2020
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A woman who is proud to be a hoe. She knows her actions have consequences but she does it anyway because of excitement. Her sexuality is Try-sexual that hoe down for what ever. She also is narcissist.
you really going to cuff Brittany she the jack sparrow of the streets bitch a street voyager
by NIGGoku June 10, 2021
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The actions of placing a box on a skateboard and riding in the box as a type of transport.
"Hey Donny, did you see the news?"

"Yeah Leo, that man did a mile long Finn's Voyage!"
by Flobbyflob April 12, 2020
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1. Someone who likes to explore vagina
2. A guy who loves pussy
3. A fuck guru, i.e. Ron Jeremy
The movie "Super Bad" references Vagtastic Voyager several times!
by MOCO & P-Phat May 28, 2010
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A couple experiences the Fantastic Voyage when a man performs intercourse with a Lego Man attached to the tip of his member. Singing "Fantastic Voyage" by David Bowie drastically improves the experience.
Simply attach, insert and enjoy the voyage.
by joel in chicago September 9, 2004
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1.)Stoned and wishing someone farewell,2.)Stoned and singing another version of koumbya (or aye karumba)
by Tyler August 24, 2004
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