"yo, look at that Poppy Sinclair ya, she so damn hot,"

"mate, she is utter perfection."
by Davidyannooo July 7, 2012
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noelia sinclaire is talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, truly, an icon and the epic love of stefan salvatore and bonnie bennett's iconic gf.
noelia sinclaire was stefan salvatore's first love.
by anyamarinastan April 23, 2022
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The smell and site of having anal intercourse with some one and not washing your dick for almost 20 hours after the incident.
Ex:Dude last night was dust! I slept all day and gave my self a dirty chocolate Sinclair.

Ex:Man I forgot to shower after ass mucking that girl last night, now I gotta deal with my chocolate Sinclair…
by Tobiasg000 March 20, 2023
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The act of eating an ass, while taking a poop.
The other day I was so hungry that I gave an awful sinclair...but it didn't feed the need.
by Johnnyconrad1986 February 27, 2017
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Reno Sinclair is from Final Fantasy 7. I love him, hes so hot, oh my lord. We're married.
Reno please hit me with your baton!!
Person A: Omg Reno Sinclair is so fine!
Person B: I agree.
by hell yeah okay March 13, 2022
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A man who wrote the book titled "The Jungle" about an immigrant family coming to the United States to find work. Long , boring, annoying, story short, he saved the packing industry by writing about terrible work conditions and potential cannibalism in the U.S.'s industrial revolution. This is all good and dandy, but we should all remember him as the socialist asshole who ran for governor in 1934. After his after his "End Poverty in California" campaign, he lost. California, which was just as neutral as Nevada currently is, jumped on the band wagon for socialism, or at least the people who wanted this dickhead as governor did. This became a snowball of bullshit until it became California as the rest of the states know it today; a shitty, fascist, you-have-to-conform, SJW littered, pile of hot garbage.
History Teacher: 'Did you know Upton Sinclair wrote the book that saved you from eating other people?!'

Me: 'That's true, but did you know he was a socialist who was influenced by Huey Long, the governor of Louisiana who though we should "Share Our Wealth?"

History Teacher: 'Reallly? I never knew that! *Commie-ness Intensifies*
by A-A-Ron the DM March 24, 2018
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Aiden is a boy who will never get a girlfriend and will be single for life
Aiden Sinclair is going to be single for ever.
by Hiiiee kidd1222 November 4, 2020
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