a curiculum for math that is living hell!!! especially when you get into alegebra
person 1-whats's the title of you math book?
person 2- saxon math, algreba 2, also known as hell
by rockersaddpunk2life January 31, 2008
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A man who makes extremely bahahahaha jokes and makes everyone giggle when he says something or does anything funny, classical laughter and very contagious laughs when the term Saxon Hook is used.
Lance has made a funny he can been seen as doing a Saxon Hook
by October 22, 2020
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The saying "vote saxon" came from the popular TV show Doctor Who, where an enemy called the Master uses a false identity and subliminal messages to become prime minister of Britain before launching the Earth into chaos with an attack he himself planned. "Vote Saxon" is a term that should be used to refer to voting or being in favor of something without really knowing much about it, and usually has a negative connotation.
Vote Saxon, dude.
by EclipseDragonWing November 2, 2010
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Individual that has the intellectual and physical capabilities to accomplish their aspirations.

Individual that has yet to utilize said "intellectual and physical capabilities" to understand their aspirations are attainable, after all anything is attainable given time and effort.
What a Saxon Jin!

They're actually a Saxon Jin, they just need some time.
Woah! You're a Saxon Jin? I don't believe in myself so it's hard to think I'll be able to accomplish anything but if I'm with you I think your Saxoning might just rub off on me.
by Shoi Shoi December 21, 2016
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In modern usage it refers to anyone of English descent. In historical terms it describes the Germanic invaders from Saxony, and lower Denmark who invaded England shortly after the retreat of Rome from Britannia. Anglo-Saxon people tend to be members of the Anglican Church (Church of England) but this is not always true. Though England is part of the United Kingdom, the other "home nations" of the U.K. are inhabited by the descendats of Celts, not by Anglo-Saxons. This is why only English people are referred to as Anglo-Saxon.
Only people of English descent are Anglo-Saxon.
by DarcyL. July 6, 2006
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A condom fashioned from a freshly skinned rat turned inside out
Vinny: Aw shit Mikey im outta condoms and Becky's on her way over.
Mikey: Don't worry about it bro were in New York just go outside and make yourself a Saxon Condom!
by ImmortalMemeLord May 9, 2018
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derogatory term for anglosaxon people often characterized by a heavy build and long brown wavy hair.
these dudes! they just showed up and burnt everything to hell and took all the women except helga and big betsy. these dudes were some saxon dogs!
by neb sicnarf January 21, 2008
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