To be verbally raped or beaten, hurting others feelings and/or crushing spirits
Lefko: "Your retarded"
B-Wass: "Your mom got retarded when she choked on my fat nuts and got brain damage"
Gimbel: "Salted!!!"
by Sunny Sunnyton October 14, 2007
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when someone does something very stupid or is proven wrong in a situation. Almost like you just poured salt on a wound and made it a whole lot worse for your self. or a shorter way was saying, "wow you just totally inSALTed your self"
(after bob tripped over a rock)
Jane: ohhh salt!
bob: shut up
by skanymcmofo October 30, 2003
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A synonym for the term 'You just got owned!'
Josh- Well Averie, you are just a big lying skank with no friends and I just wanted to let you that the guy you cheated on me with has herpes.

Everybody in hearing range- OOOOOOOOH SALT
by ToniTheTiger May 13, 2011
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Salt (verb): Is the act of throwing salt on someone who is annoying you. It derives from the television program "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" when the characters Dee and Dennis Reynolds throw salt on their garbage pail cousin "Gail The Snail". Salting the "Snail" acts as a repellent as it causes her to shrink from their presence.

Origin Episode: "The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention"
"I wish it wasn't socially unacceptable to salt someone."

"Nobody likes to salt the Snail, but she gives you no choice."

“There's not enough salt in the world for her!”
by Chemical Toilet August 10, 2011
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when you feel stupid, or someone else feels stupid
1. you get all dressed up for ur date and then he/she calls and cancels. ur salted
by Laquesha March 23, 2006
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Cocaine powder. Food slang for drugs is used when having to communicate in public.
He wants a nick of collard greens and a dub of salt.
by Ali J December 21, 2004
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A extremely sensitive person with skinny legs and very pronounced pectorals. He loves starting new relationships but struggles to keep the momentum. He shows some flirtatious behaviours reassembling a pampered flamingo. Salt loves to be included with the bois. He also loves a good party on a Friday night. The pride of salt comes with his shoulder length luscious lively locks. A Salt will always take pride in their outward appearance especially their pectoralis majors. The species “Salt” refuses to spend less than $50 on clothing. The most common phrase you’ll hear from a Salt is, “big hem”, “true but”, “that’s phat”, “ohhh you’re not wrong”, “Wwwwaaatt”, “add us on Snapchat”, “you wanna get hit”.

A Salt will never come to school the next day after a sporting event. His bedtime will be no earlier than 12am. He also finds sitting alone to be quite uncomfortable. Never take his spot at the back of the bus otherwise you’ll hear about it for the rest of the trip.
All together a Salt has a calm tempremate and will be loving and caring towards their flock. They will be there for you, not let you down and you can trust them.
by The Bois October 22, 2018
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