The meanest girl you will ever meet. She is a lion. Her hair is burnt pasta. If you ever meet her you will want to kys.
by John gabana December 14, 2018
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he's the kind of guy with a big dick who smashes into cars when he leaves the club and who likes five fruits and vegetables per day
1) who is the guy who just got hit by a car ?
2) Don't worry it's Anthony Guzman
by Fay29 November 23, 2021
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the best to ever do it, everyone wants to be like him, he’s got a lil baby fetus bro named alejandro that copies everything he does and adrian is just adrian and he’s a GOD
Her: “omg is that adrian guzman”
Her 2: “He so hot”
Her: “ who’s that short guy he’s with he’s ugly”
Her 2: “ ew girl that’s ale jandro
by wrd2myde4d July 20, 2023
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When you get out to sleep/ knocked out.
Yo, you keep talking that shit and you’re going to get guzmaned.
by Robert Tussaint May 20, 2022
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usually referred to as a dark or black male with a big cock estimated to have the same mass as a star, Diego Guzman isn't just that spec of shit Diego Guzman he is thee Diego guzman. This man is deplited in the Bible as a king or that of high power. Thee Diego Guzman is a man who will not hesitate to make even the strongest of people his bitch. If you ever meet this man praise him. If you ever fuck with this man pray that he never finds you.
Young white male: " forgive me father for I have committed a sin"
Priest: "what troubles you my son?"

Young white male: "I spoke of his name thee Diego Guzman in vein"

Priest: "not even god can help you now"
by truth999 March 15, 2017
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