a very coool silly good lookin fella.
your soo cool, almost as cool as colin
by alexandra December 16, 2004
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when a fellow compadre, say a bretherin, grows up with you and comes along all the adventures that u encounter. Then, one day he stops going on those adventures and is afraid to say the word " bretherin," becasue he is too mature. Also, he likes girls.
Man, when did sam billings become a goss= gay. " i think it was when he stuck his fingers up his ass.
by garretmain March 10, 2005
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the most fagitist guy that is know to man .He gets lots of dick up his ass, and is an amazing at riding cock
Red: god that guy is such a Goss Boss
by Ldaniel2006 April 5, 2022
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A term invented by the McElroy brothers meaning to gossip, usually about somebody or something in particular.
by Spark Studios April 3, 2022
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an ugly ugly mistake, its sometimes used as a swear
Hey have you heard of Chloie Goss?
Don't mention that around me i don't like bad words around here..
by SussyBhaka September 27, 2021
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