a very epic gamer like one of the best ones in the world, also he has the biggest pp. he is amazing and you should give him everything you own.
hey your pp is cruz sized

oh thanks broski
by Big-Boi420 October 25, 2019
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a badass, baddest of the bad, a tank
wow, he is such a Cruz!
by Kuhtlin August 20, 2007
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the most caring guy, he truly knows how to love he's handsome and sexy and Mexican
friend: you look happy now

me: well everything in my life seemed to be going downhill and then all of sudden cruz happened like a guardian angel! :)
by lovesyouu55 September 27, 2021
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to just hang out, usually involving ganja
bra, we go cruz sandys
by buttnipple October 29, 2008
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cruz is the biggest thick daddy boy in the world. Hes so handsome, and has a scrumptious booty.
he is such a cruz, i wanna marry that cruz.
by h o m o p h o p i c September 18, 2021
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Has latin American origins and was first made popular by a prostitute from killah queens New York.
Can mean one of two things:
1. Prostitute specializing in receiving bukkake
2. Any whorish girl whose vagina is so loose that she must have a jar to catch all the juices as they fall out hourly.
1. Yo you gonna pay that cruz the full five dollars for a blowjob or are you gonna barter down to two?
2. You should probably use a condom with that cruz, if you know what I mean.
3. Damn im real drunk, call that cruz up so we can run a train.
by Juggs gotcha April 30, 2007
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