A boycott by buying the product with the intention to destroy said product because the company that produces the product supports issues and policies that conservatives despise.
Did you see that Fred is upset with Frigidaire because they support abortion rights? He is so pissed that he bought a Frigidaire air conditioner just to drop it from the 3rd floor window. The typical conservative boycott. Wouldn’t surprise me that Fred bought the warranty as well.
by Joseph Heston April 13, 2023
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Any airline during the COVID pandemic who's main customers are Republicans and their supporters, who disapprove of the FAA mask mandate. The airline would in theory allow its passengers to not wear masks and flaunt the FAA mandates. The fleet of the airline would consist of aircrafts built around the time that Trump considered America was great (80s). Basically the fleet would be consisting of old, jet fuel guzzling Boeing 707's, 727's, and 747-100's.

On a real note... there actually were news reports of conservatives wanting to create their own airlines that would flaunt the mask mandates. But eventually these plans all ended failure for one reason or another, and not a single such airline was created.
1: Do you think there will ever be a conservative airline?

2: Nah, the FAA would probably ground any airline they found out was flaunting the mask mandates, and probably revoke the airline's licence to fly.
by MST3K I like April 12, 2022
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The heavily researched theory that botheration cannot be created nor destroyed under the laws of chemistry. If someone bothers you, you cannot hold that botheration in; therefore, you must bother someone else in order for a proper transfer and balance in he world.
Veronica bothered me and now I must bother Elodie in order to satisfy the law of conservation of botheration.
by elfastasmo November 28, 2021
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A man with little regard for a girl's feelings and is willing to break her heart for the sake of his own agenda. Does not exactly "worship" the Donald but does support what he stands for. WARNING: Do not get attached, otherwise you'll find yourself in a pit of despair. And no, this isn't coming from someone who had to deal with a conservative person, weirdo.
This Conservative Ryan came up to me during a party and seemed interested in me, but backstabbed me as usual. I'm afraid of the people who have to deal with this weirdo in the future. I hope he moves to Canada and regrets it immediately..
by Blah Blah 100 November 7, 2020
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A conservative who publicly humiliates themself in the name of owning the libs.
“Who is that girl wearing a diaper at the Turning Point, USA tent over there?”

“Oh that’s Kaitlynn Benet, she’s a full-diaper conservative.”

“Didn’t she shit herself at a Kent State frat party?”
by JebShallRiseAgain November 1, 2020
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A conservative who publicly humiliates themself in the name of owning the libs.
“Who is that girl wearing a diaper at the Turning Point, USA tent over there?”

“Oh that’s Kaitlin Bennet, she’s a full-diaper conservative.”

“Oh I know her, didn’t she poop her pants at a Kent State frat party?”
by JebShallRiseAgain November 1, 2020
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A conservative who publicly humiliates themself in the name of owning the libs.
“Who is that girl wearing a diaper at the Turning Point, USA tent over there?”

“Oh that’s Kaitlynn Benet, she’s a full-diaper conservative.”

“Didn’t she shit herself at a Kent State frat party?”
by JebShallRiseAgain November 1, 2020
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