Someone who is expanded and all rounded out via a butt pirate.
Gee, that limpy wristed fag has a big cornhole. His farts play bass.
by Mr. Homophobia August 1, 2023
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Mentally handicapped or just plain stupid individuals between the ages of 5 and 15. Otherwise known as queefbags and douchetwats.
A wrist flop child will often be less intelligent than the average douchebag, twatnugget, or krauser.
by Ted Zimmerman February 7, 2009
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From the song of the same name by Riff Raff. When your wrist is adorned with diamonds, gold, or any other kinds of 'ice.'
'yo dave check my new Rolex, she's a step up from the casio'
'damn Robert that wrist frosty'
by SuperDave69 May 11, 2018
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The practice of sporting an over the top, blinged up, gargantuan watch on your wrist in an attempt to display what a high roller you are.
Look at Jerry! What a show off. There's no need to be so pimp wristed.
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The result of chopping to much firewood the night before Christmas.
Cody: sorry, I'm not able to open this bottle of wine right now.
Mike: Why not you bitch?
Cody:My choppers wrist is acting up.
by Bunsandroses December 27, 2017
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Man 1: The wrist snapper found my tray of ice
Man 2: okay and...
Man 3: he said it was my friends that did it
by iamantinwordpass April 23, 2019
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