When someone emphasizes your name at the end of their sentence to "stab" you with the fact that they are speaking to you in an annoyed or condescending manner.
Why did you do that, KAREN?

I can't believe you actually did that, STEVE.

Don't talk to me anymore, JILL.

I don't know, MARGO.

I'm making my point by name stabbing you, FRED.
by jextipose February 13, 2023
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Posting selectively controversial comments for short periods of time to see who responds and what their opinion is before too many people see it and your life is ruined.
Stab posting is posting “Bill Cosby is free! I guess drinks are on him” followed by watching the comments for 30 minutes and then deleting the posts
by BKallSmiles July 31, 2021
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When your bro (manly friend) betrays you.
Yo man, i heard you got bro-stabbed by Carlson! I can’t believe he would spill your secret like that!
by Endangered Panda June 11, 2019
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Anal bum sex performed by a man with a beard to a prostitute
Shit. That guy with the beard proppa jobby stabbed that brass. He was jobby stabbing the cunt out of her.
by Pikeyd January 6, 2018
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That Mila Kunis is damn hot.

Yeah, I'd fuckin' love to give her the stab.
by Shuaman December 16, 2016
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This is when your man has your legs bent and back touching the floor with your chin against your chest he's standing over top of you plunging the rod in straight up and down like North and South not East and West we call this distort stab because of the way he has to spread his legs apart and plunge up and down
I think I'm going to do the stork stab on my partner tonight
by Boypussy1119 February 1, 2023
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When someone posts thoughts or memes to social media in an attempt to indirectly make fun of, or cause grief to someone, with the hope's that the person will see it when they check your social media.
Yo, did you see that meme on Karen's Facebook?
She's totally Shadow Stabbing at her Ex...
by Belvich June 7, 2022
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