The trans women who was sent to a female prison.
Hym "Interesting fact of the day! (And this one's for Megyn) Demi Minor, DIDN'T ACTUALLY RAPE ANYONE. Demi Minor was in a consensual relationship with one of the other inmates. THEN, a 2nd inmate USED THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE against the 1st inmate (who was in a relationship with Demi) to coerce Demi into having relations with her. So what happened was: THE TRANS WOMAN WAS RAPED BY THE NOT-TRANS WOMAN! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED THERE! The only people who are getting raped in women's prison by not-guards... Are the TRANS-WOMEN! The TRANS got raped by the NOT trans. That's what happened there."
by Hym Iam September 25, 2023
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refers to members of the economic and political elitist class within the social group.
All members of the social group who are not members of the common class or social majority are also referred to as the social minority.
by Baron Neville July 15, 2017
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Outertale: Undertale but in space, duh.
Horrortale: Undertale as a horror story.
Mafiatale: Undertale as a cowboy story.
Glitchtale: Undertale as an anime story.
Underpants: Undertale as a fun sitcom.
Underfresh: Undertale for the hippies.
Fanfictales: Generic undertale worlds.
Batter's World: The setting of the game 'OFF' when the batter goes on a quest to purify the world. It was revealed to be a wacky test world created by W.D. gaster.
* Notes: Crossover worlds don't exist. *
There are many minor undertale worlds.
by Retardost December 13, 2021
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An autistic fuck who only uses small children for head so that way he can make himself think that he doenst have a micropenis!
Nathan minor was sentenced to day for pedophilia of a small girl.
by Sshhaaddooww March 29, 2018
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The act of an older male Macking, hooking up or getting with a girl who is much younger then him, Usually this occurs in high school with older guys and is usually a particular senior who choose to go for freshmen and violate the two year rule.
Mackafreshmen is the king of Minor Macking there he goes macking another freshmen.. holy shit thats the 50th time this year when are these girls going to learn?...IDK
by Mackaminor June 25, 2010
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A minority which is allowed far more sway than is indicated by their contribution and membership numbers.
The Vast Minority of shareholders are trying to take the company private.
The Vast Minority realizes that "the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
by Douglas45 November 6, 2023
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To explore or study a subject to the extent that you comprehend it as much as someone who studied it as a minor in college, yet you have no official degree.
I ghost minored in Ancient Greek history by studying it on my own.
by npnrnrns November 5, 2019
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