Refers to a person's using the well-known prevalence of widespread fake/mass-advertising correspondence as an excuse for his not obeying/acknowledging a 100%-legitimate-but-unwelcome message he has received, such as a hefty bill, restraining order, or other upsetting/disappointing directive that he does not wish to comply with ("Well, it made no sense to me, so I honestly believed it was just a fake message, and simply shrugged it off"). The effectiveness and/or defense-worthiness of said practice --- and your chances of being let off the hook as a result --- can sometimes be further bolstered by "pre-innocentizing" yourself (such as frequently showing up in court for no reason and claiming every time that you'd received an order to appear, and then finally --- after being irritably told for the umpteenth time by the court-clerk that they'd never sent you a summons --- declaring in a frustrated huff, "Fine... well, I guess somebody's been playing sick jokes on me, so from now on I'm just gonna simply IGNORE any and all such notices I receive!") sometime before committing whatever infractions would likely result in said unwelcome orders, so that you can appear justified in your non-compliance with what you supposedly thought was yet another fake order.
I successfully used the spam/telemarketer defense when asked why I hadn't answered a court-summons; I just said, "Oh, that notice was REAL? Oh my --- well, I'd honestly believed it was a fake message... since I've had so many pushy telemarketers and con-men harass me --- sometimes even falsely claiming to be tax-auditors or law-enforcement personnel --- that I'd long ago adopted an 'ignore any and all such notices as fake' policy."
by QuacksO August 10, 2018
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Used by member's of Britain's right wing Conservative Party as a last resort when they have no valid defense or comeback; especially during Prime Minister's Question Time.

Weak leader Rishi Sunak seems particularly fond of using it despite the argument being largely irrelevant now as Jeremy Corbyn no longer sits as a Labour party member.

The animosity towards Jeremy Corbyn stems from a successful smear campaign orchestrated by the Conservative party, especially during the 2019 election campaign where it was aided by the UK's overwhelmingly right wing media including the supposedly neutral BBC.
Example of The Corbyn Defense:

"Let's not forget that the opposition wanted Corbyn as Prime Minister"
by SerpyDerpy January 27, 2023
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Needless escalation of a tense situation followed by victim-playing on the part of the person who escalated the situation when their escalation turns against them.
I treated my cat's injury after he Wisconsin self defense'd a squirrel. He never learns
by Racoon Skittles November 22, 2021
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The most sure way to make absolutely everyone hate you. It's the absolute most DESPICABLE fucking thing a human being can ever do. Bar fucking none.

I will say this once, and I will not say it again:


It'll be the absolute last fucking thing you'll ever do. Mark my fucking words.
A: *gets defensive*
A: *gets hated by everyone*
A: *Surprised Pikachu face*
by Someone32143214 August 24, 2022
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The gaslighter's bread and butter. The word you will most likely hear from them if you do anything other than acknowledge and accept their bullshit in some lame attempt to guilt trip you into doing it.
Gaslighter: *throws bullshit at victim*
Victim: *angrily reprimands gaslighter for it*
Gaslighter: "See, you're being defensive, stop it"
by Someone32143214 July 7, 2022
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Calling somebody that doesn't have a superiority complex someone with a superiority complex, or parroting back everything somebody just said to defend oneself. Someone that goes from saying they're better at everything than somebody else (especially sports, music, or things people get spotlighted for) or they always beat somebody at/win at something (especially sports, music, or things people often get recognized/spotlighted for), and do it as if they'd never lost at it once in their life.
The dork girl was always defensive to the point she didn't even know she was (or do it on purpose, consciously or subconsciously), and it was bad enough that she thought that anybody that was slightly socially aware or self-controlled was either egotistical or had a superiority complex, since saying some bullshit like that would keep her in her own little winner's bubble where she didn't have to acknowledge that it wasn't just everyone else that wasn't perfect, and that way she never had to actually straighten out, she could just look and sound grown up on the surface and most people would believe it and never question her.
by The Original Agahnim November 22, 2021
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