A girl who's sweeter than life itself as long as you're treating her well. As soon as you double cross her she'll pull every card and transform into the blackmail queen. An individual who's tactics in blackmail and extortion are unmatched, and won't stop until you give up and apologize.
Alicia is the Queen of Blackmail. She stole my Instagram passwords and is trying to get me banned.
by TheMagicGiant January 19, 2019
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One step higher in awesomeness than being the bee's knees
A :"Wow that's a great picture... "

B : "Yeah it's the bee's knees"

A : "Nah it's the queen of bees"
by Nastynina July 3, 2013
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A Deity who took the form of a half-human half-spider as the physical manifestation of arachnophobia. She travels to many realms to conquer and make her appearance known by taunting, pestering those who dares defy her queenly reign.commonly found in any place with a chat room discord, reddit any form of media with a chatroom with the intent to make her presense known no matter the consequences. If you ever encounter her respect the unknown, keep calm or end up like the ones who tried insanity slowly encompass them.
spider queen refers to the one over all spiders the one has control over all spiders no matter species
by Arackin May 20, 2024
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A Deity who took the form of a half-human half-spider as the physical manifestation of arachnophobia. She travels to many realms to conquer and make her appearance known by taunting, pestering those who dares defy her queenly reign.commonly found in any place with a chat room discord, reddit any from of media with a chatroom with the intent to make her presense known no matter the consequences. If you ever encounter her respect the unknown, keep calm or end up like the ones who tried insanity slowly encompasses them with each breath fighting a force no human can fend.
spider queen refers to a leader of all spiders the one whom has control over all spiders regardless of species in fiction
by Arackin May 20, 2024
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A woman that is exceptionally good at oral sex, and the yurple is for the sound she makes when proceeding with that wonderful and pleasing blessing, otherwise to be likened to the "slurping" sound made when performing this act.
Bro, the other night at the party I had ran into a woman that I took back to my place and she turned out to be the Yurple Queen.
by DaOneAndonlyH.A. June 4, 2020
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The sexual act of a man having his partner tie him to a fixed pole, then repeatedly whip him as he tries to hum the entire Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. This continues until the man successfully hums the song without a note being off key.
I still have rope burns from taking Queen Anne's Revenge from that thot I hooked up with last night.
by 3lectronicFan October 6, 2017
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