A redefinition of old gezer but this definition is made for a old gay guy that is watching you from across the room looking for gay sex from another male. Old Gay zer.
That old man is checking out my ass from across the room.

He must be a Old gayzer
by Batter Daddy April 25, 2024
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Slapping tomato sauce on to ones asshole, sprinkling it with grated parmesan cheese, then tossing it.
"He gave me an Old Papa John and it felt FANTASTIC!"
by Daroguetoaster December 10, 2015
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When something literally has the smell or taste of an old lady's cupboards. It is not an euphemism.
-An old lady once gave me a KitKat chocolate brar that she had in her cupboard for 5 years, and it literally tasted like old lady's cupboards.
-Is old lady's cupboards some kind of euphemism?
(laughter and hilarity all around)
-No, it is not.
by WonderWumbo October 18, 2020
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When you see a millennial in their mid 30-40s at Walmart wearing a fake tail in the pets department.
Did you just see that 40-year-old furgin walk by with a Lola Bunny spanking T-shirt on?
by He_does_pro-laps August 20, 2021
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Someone who makes it to the big stage (i.e. president) but doesn't forget where he came from.
When talking about his past, Old Hick got kind of choked up and he left a trail of tears behind him.
by dickey6969 June 14, 2017
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