Article of clothing adopted by "Urban" men on the "down-low", in the hopes of passing as straight, but often failing miserably.
That Cardigan Sweater fooled Cheryl on her date, but not the rest of us.
by Bob Pooner March 2, 2011
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A straight-jacket, nuf said. Also spelt clostro cardigan. Known also as a Psycho-Poncho. Stitched with Kevlar thread, the garment is known as the Phobia Pullover
The market, say analysts, for claustro cardigans, is said to be around 1 billion dollars, but only if you travel 500 years into the future.
by jamie_ledge January 9, 2007
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A dirty cardigan is the thick coating of plaque that you find after you wake from a hard night of partying. Often associated with the infamous "dragon's breath," the dirty cardigan is a semi-considerate way of stating that you need to brush your teeth and stat!
"Man Ramone, I blacked out last night and woke up wearing a dirty cardigan! Can I borrow your toothbrush, man?
by MotananZ406 March 23, 2011
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The personality that accompanies someone of the male sex who can "pull off" wearing a cardigan of any sort.
The Cardigan Wearer's Personality consists of but is not limited to all of the following:
-Plays some sort of an Instrument
-Wears fitted or skinny jeans
-interested in non-profit organizations
-not embarrassed to rock a satchel.
-says "mer" on a frequent basis.
-Can sing really high.
by razzapplemelon January 30, 2011
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a statement of disbelief or outrage. Goes on the same turf as "Christ on a cracker!" or simply "Jesus Christ!" Or the better "Jesus H. Christ!" Simply putting Jesus in a cardigan sweater makes it that much more of an animated phrase.
Chrystal found out she had to work late tonight and exclaimed, "Jesus Christ in a cardigan sweater!"

Christina casually browsed the clothing rack and noticed a pair of jeans that were $300 and shouted "Jesus Christ in a cardigan sweater, who the hell would pay that much for these!?"
by Robert Barnett August 16, 2006
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1. An exclamation used when in pain or shock.

2. The indie Jesus.
1. Guy: "Jesus Christ in a cardigan sweater! That fucking hurt!"

2. Person: "So I ran into Jesus at Urban Outfitters today..."
by Lunar Escape January 12, 2009
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Verb. The act of freaking out and crying in a public setting for no sensible reason or excessive stress due to lack of sexual activity.
by Rlparsons1217 September 19, 2014
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