man#1: dude lets go to reno this weekend!!
man#2:nah dude. reno just a wannabe vegas
man#1: lets go to vegas then!
by cowgirlchic June 30, 2011
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Person 1: "how come you got kicked off rez?"
Person 2: "I was drinking with the gronk and threatened to burn reno's house down while he slept."
by the greek wowzers August 24, 2011
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Nickname for someone who is extremely stupid, slow, retarded, etc.
A: What a noob.
B: Yeah, he's a reno.
by BK_FTW April 28, 2007
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a new model of suzuki car
i just got my reno a while ago, still the only one in my town with one
by reno owner March 22, 2005
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A sex position during which each of the sexual partners chugs a bottle of whiskey and later proceeds to shove it up the other partner's ass, while simultaneously screaming the lyrics to David Hasselhoff's "Survivor", preferably with a house pet watching.
-Did you end up hanging last night?
-Yeah I totally did the Renos on that bitch!
by Renosal February 23, 2018
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Reno... as in Jean Reno; the guy who's voice can NOT be heard in Onimusha 3
Hi, i'm Ako! Let's g- *SLICE!!* AAAAAAAHH!!! MY JUGULAR!!!
by Danny Barq August 22, 2004
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the psychological effect of going insane and becoming a clinger
by Renaldo Shuttles May 19, 2011
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