Slang to describe unintentionally low hanging pants and underwear, to an extend that the rear is partially visible to others. Expression preferably used to raise someone's attention on that in a teasing manner without majorly embarrassing him / her.
Hey buddy, I think we're having a partial eclipse today.
by aegoerd November 13, 2011
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one who isnt a total spaz but basically acts pretty stupid and/or like a tard.
* when Mark threw the wild bear a sandwich I was certain he was a partial retard.
by jenni! holla! July 11, 2008
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When one's feelings toward someone or something are between obsessive and sarcastic.
Mark: Dude have you seen how much Joey talks about that chick Chelsea? I think he's obsessed with her.

Frank: Na man Joey told me the other day his feelings for her are only partially legit.
by wrestlerpunk March 1, 2010
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smelling an unpleasant odour, janice asked andy if he had partially deflated
by andyparkin July 30, 2009
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A diagnosis given to someone who can't be quiet for even a minute. This syndrome is similar to Tourettes, other than that you can actually control it.
"Jenny was complaining about her boyfriend last night for 2 hours straight. I think she might have Partial Tourettes"
by roflcopter613 November 7, 2009
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The person who didn't know which sexuality one have,in other words,he/she doesn't know if they are straight,gay/lesbian or bisexual. They are asexual before they find out their sexuality.
I have a partial sexuality.
by Anshi the vinci June 26, 2022
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an incomplete bowel movement, requiring an additional trip or trips back to the restroom to finish emptying one's colon.
I hate when I only have a partial evacuation. Nothing feels better than taking a nice complete dump.
by Dr. Do Little May 5, 2012
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