
a picture worth using as a default pic, usually on sites such as Facebook or Myspace.
"That pic is so defaultable. You look so hot!"
by Liz456 November 26, 2007
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The original Fortnite dance, created by god himself and used by millions of people.
by ShawnP2 September 12, 2018
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Someone who has removed all hair/piercings/makeup from their face bringing it to a blank neutral state.
When Eric started playing Saints Row the characters features were set to default.

Joey: Hey did you hear? Tommy set his facial features to default.

Jack: Hah I bet he looks like Professor Xavier from X-Men.

Show Host: Britney Spears has recently changed her hairstyle to default again.
by Ian McSmith March 8, 2011
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That moment when you realize you just took a potential default picture for your facebook account.
Kid: What?
Me: Default. Its like a Kodak moment, only with facebook pictures.
Kid: Ohhh ok
by Lil Wayne sucks 4 dicks July 13, 2011
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A proffetional at putting on tampons.
Joe: Hey did you see Gerardo putting on tampons yesterday?

Ray: Yeah, hes now a DEFAULT.
by GianoSchoo October 19, 2008
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A word used to describe the main picture a person is using to identify themselves from others on a social network, like facebook or MySpace.
Girl 1: Is my default ugly?
Girl 2: I don't like it. Let's take a new one.
by itsaustinh October 2, 2010
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