
(noun)A pet name for a signifant other who is both your best buddy and your romantic interest. Term was derived by combining "buddy" and "baby" = "bubby". Name is reserved for people who were truly best friends prior to dating.It is imperative that the person who becomes your "bubby" was purely a platonic friend prior to dating.
You can call your significant other your bubby if you were best friends with him/her in a purely platonic way. For example, dating a friend after 10 years of being friends with him/her - seeing each other date others, being there for one another as a source of support, able to be truly yourself without any impression management.

What does NOT constitute a "bubby"- Someone who becomes your best friend after you start dating. That is not a bubby.
by Reverie February 4, 2007
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A pet name or term of deepest endearment for a significant other who is both your best buddy and your romantic interest. The term was derived by combining "buddy" and "baby" = "bubby". The one you love, the one you adore - as opposed to the patronizing baby. A bubby is special because it is not a babe, baby or boo it is one specific person that is completely unique and precious in your life. Other abbreviations include bubs, bubbsie, bubster, bubba, bubsky etc.
by Lee2005 May 20, 2013
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1. bubby

a name for the one you love, the one you adore - your boo. bubby is more affectionate than baby. bubby is used only if you really love the person :)
by kickinitrealnice October 18, 2009
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Bubby refers to a special kind of person. Someone who is more than a friend to you.
A boy may love his mother so much that he calls her his bubby.
by MISS MAMA MIA August 24, 2008
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breasts, boobs, tits, hooters, whatever you call them!
I'd suck her bubbies.
by redcuber June 8, 2004
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Bubby is a overall gangster and everyone respects him.
by Fhdjskksmenddj November 21, 2021
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Typical small town guy, drinks too much for his own good and on a rare occasion funny. But he’s your friend and ya love em
by K.1999.mh21 July 29, 2019
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