Adj. Getting poop on you when spooning with someone who does not know how to wipe.
I would cuddle, but the last time I did I got spoopy.

by James Bob December 25, 2005
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something so spooky it makes ya go poopy
by yoooO^OØ December 10, 2017
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Something that is trying to be spooky but isn't doing a great job.
That lightshade is very spoopy
by BeaWest April 25, 2019
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Something you call someone who is not nice, and who steals forks from your house.
You spoopy, you stole my forks! Wtf?!?!
by Salty_shaker August 5, 2018
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After you have had anal sex and think you've gotten yourself all cleaned out, but a half hour later (when you're in an aisle at the supermarket) you fart and more than gas comes out.... a mix of sperm and poopy--a spoopy--makes its way into your panties.
I accidentally got spoopy on my boyfriend last night when we were cuddling after having anal sex.
by AANADAMAA June 8, 2017
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To be spoopy
The storyhad spoopiness
by beep boop, ive given up looser November 1, 2017
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This is just a polite way of saying " I have to take a crap."
Example: "Excuse me, I have to go spoopie."
i have to go spoopie.
by charisma October 17, 2004
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