A website where people have 2 accounts, 1 for Porn, and the 2nd for actual things and porn.

A website where they hate tik tok, twitter, and love frogs
Reddit has a sub-reddit with 15.5 million people following it that every Wensday, it turned into a place where frogs tell yu its wensday
Friend: Dude how do you have so much karma on reddit1!!1/!??!?/1//
OP: I just went to R/memes and posted a pictured of a frog saying its wensday
by SmokeyTheFur May 7, 2021
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Generally speaking, a platform that is for losers.
Aaron Swartz rolls in his grave as reddit has become the opposite of what he advocated for. In his own words, "all censorship should be deplored."
by fencetape March 29, 2022
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Reddit is a app that is has unfunny memes and unfunny stuff in general and a bunch of fat people.
idiot: "hey wanna see this funny meme I found on reddit"
smart person: "you stupid idiot reddit memes are not funny"
by sneakiest boi June 14, 2021
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Reddit (/ˈrɛdɪt/): A large collection of douche bags and dick heads who drastically suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect and posses a severe superiority complex, although the majority are ignorant losers and idiots.
Those Reddit idiots are a bunch of morons.
by ViXiVTech July 26, 2018
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He's a liberal and an atheist, so if I told him about reddit he would probably cry tears of joy.
by JVDnh May 29, 2012
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A clusterfuck of trolls and memelords that will drive you to suicide.
Reddit is why we can’t have nice things.
by TH47 July 16, 2018
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Person: I went on Reddit today.

Other person: Oh god...
by Rusty Rusty Rusty September 4, 2020
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