January 6th this shit

When you plan to fuck shit up at a social event.
Cousin: Yo you wanna January 6th this shit Thanksgiving this year?
by Momo0211 June 12, 2021
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January 6th 2001

A cunt was born
Taylor Ann is a cunt and was born on January 6th 2001
by Cuntssssssss October 16, 2019
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Go all January 6th

Adverbial phrase:
1) to intimidate someone with the intent to discourage them from a certain action or behavior
2) to purposefully inflict bodily harm on someone you disagree with the intent of showing how superior or right you are.

Past Tense: went all January 6th

Derived from the actions by rioters and seditionists who stormed the U.S. Capital in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.

by Jerry Cross
They were making fun of our team, so lets go all January 6th on them!

He was making passes at my girlfriend, so I went all January 6th on him.
by SchellRocker August 19, 2021
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6th January

Today is a very special day when you hum the mid-air today!!!

(Should be great fun)
Lad: *humps mid-air
Lad-2: What was that for?
Lad: 6th January??
Lad 2: Ohhh yeah! *humps mid-air
by EveryDayIsAGoodDay January 6, 2022
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6th January 1932

La Salle College formally opened her doors to students on 6th January 1932.
6th Jan 2022 marks the 90th Anniversary of our school’s establishment.
The story of La Salle begins in 1917 when the Brothers of St. Joseph's College opened a junior school on Chatham Road, near Rosary Church. Kowloon was expanding rapidly at that time and demand for school places was rising. Br. Aimar, the then Director of St. Joseph's, realized that a new school building was necessary. He acquired a piece of land on Boundary Street in the late 1920s as a site for the new La Salle College.
On 5th November, 1930, Sir William Peel, the Governor of Hong Kong, laid the foundation stone of the new building. By 3rd December 1931, the work on the building and the playgrounds was sufficiently advanced to allow the opening of eight classes under the management of five Brothers from St. Joseph's College and four Assistant Masters, Messrs. Charles Dragon, Francis Chan, James Ng and Benedict Lim, from the Chatham Road School. 303 students were present on that day.
On 6th January 1932 came the formal inauguration; seven Brothers headed by Rev. Br. Aimar as Director, took over and a few days later 40 boarders occupied their quarters in the west of the building. There were then 540 students in 14 classes.
--La Salle College School Events Group, 6th January 2022
by π=3.14159265358979323846 February 18, 2022
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January 6th journalists

Hym "Oh? They're coming for the January 6th journalists? I wonder if they'll come for me... Welp... I guess if the social media cowards won't provide a challenge the federal government will have to suffice... WHO HAS THE CONFIDENCE TO FREE BATTLE BEAST!?"
by Hym Iam December 23, 2023
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January 6th

If you were born on this day, you are definitely are super cool person and deserve the world
Person 1: Yo!! You were born on January 6th?!!
Birthday person: Yes
person 1: BRO YOUR SO COOL
Ur a bad bitchhhhh
by h.i_,kayla January 5, 2022
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