honey dweller

A man without a job who stays at home and lives off his wife who has a great job.
Wife: My husband, is a honey dweller, I goto work and he stays home.
Random person: What do you do for work?
Wife: I'm a doctor.
by Dudewhounderstandsthings July 6, 2018
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one who dwells in the margins of society, often neglected and not well understood by the majority; sometimes speaks with prophetic insight to those from whom he or she is alienated; in anthropology, sub-cultures that survive outside of majority social norms (for example, forest dwellers)
"In contrast to the interpretations of Western commentators, the “margin-dweller” of Upanishadic criticism, Grinshpon argues that the metaphysical philosophy of the Upanishads cannot be reduced to “contents” and studied without consideration of the lives and experiences (or contexts) of Upanishadic characters if we want to understand the full import of early Indian religious literature."
by accismus January 24, 2010
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Mirror Dweller

Someone who spends large portions of time sat on VR and solely uses it to stare at themselves in VR mirrors. As the chosen avatar/skin seen in the mirror is deemed to be more desirable than the actual reality of looking at themselves in a non-VR/real mirror.
1: 'That guy is so ugly.'
2: 'Yeah he's definitely a "mirror dweller."'
by Narstysist January 17, 2022
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Kernel Dwellers

In layman terms, kernel dwellers are the womens which are attributed a score of 0 out of 10 in regard to their appearance.

The kernel dweller terms arise from the hotness scale operator H, H:Girl --> {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.
Whenever the operator H acts on a element of the Girl set, say y and Hy=0, then it is said that y belongs to the kernel of H.

Therefore Kernel Dwellers are the ones living in the Kernel of H.
G1 is a kernel dweller, she belongs in the kernel of H, along with the other Kernel Dwellers.
by l0stn00b November 14, 2009
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Gaia Dweller

When a Rogue Lineage sweat can’t seem to get a handle on their life so they take it out on fresh players who can’t defend themselves.
I logged on and the first thing that happens to me is getting smacked to Mars by a Gaia Dweller. The bastard said “ez” too.
by AstroScraps July 3, 2020
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Kitchen Dweller

A woman or girl who lives in the kitchen. Their passtimes include sandwich making, cooking and cleaning. Occasionally a Kitchen Dweller will migrate to the outside world but you might notice their lack of intelligence because this is not their natural habitat. These are called Kitchen Immigrants.
person 1:My wife is in the kitchen making sandwiches for our party.

person 2:Good. That is what a Kitchen Dweller is for.
by imawesome9909 June 22, 2010
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Trench Dweller

A Trench Dweller lurks on many college campus's around the US. This creature is known for picking up war pigs, swamp donkeys, and sloths. You can usually spot a Trench Dweller if it is wearing a green tonga and clashing apparel. He is highly known for picking up pigs, donkeys, and sloths and telling his "boys" stories about it in great detail and making this creature that he banged more attractive than it really was. A Trench Dweller has no shame and has usually never heard of the word "standards".
Bro 1: "Bro, did you just see that Trench Dweller?"
Bro 2: "Yea, it just walked out with a 4'11" 170lbs wilder-beast of a creature under his right arm and that greasy swamp donkey under his left arm."
by PlautParty October 31, 2009
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